Thursday, November 10, 2011

Facebook Archive - The 2008 Presidential Election Part 4 - The American Voter

But you know what peeves my more then that, more than the stupidity issued by both candidates? The American voter. I admit I'm more conservative leaning, but make no mistake I liberally bash liberals and conservatives equally. (I hate political labels too, so inaccurate)
Americans voting

Why do I come down on the American voter? Note, I do not apply this to every voter, its just a lousy generalization (aka: faulty logic), I do acknowledge that. First off, I accuse any voter that McCain is another 4 years of the last 8 years. (Points at liberals mainly) Let me tell you, this is the first and foremost mistake anyone makes in politics, shortsightedness. I accuse most Americans for being such idiots for being shortsighted brats. When has the world and our nation run on 8 year cycles, more less 4 years?

I would like to point to America's foreign policy for example. That is a culmination of decades of policy. Nations don't run nor change on 4 year cycles, which comes to my next point, the American way of wanting things done fast. In our selfish nature, we have become comfortable in a "Fast Food" way of doing things, doing things quick.

Now, if a smart people read the right books about the Founding Fathers (aka: From them personally), one would find that America's government isn't meant for fast or quick reaction. Its built to be inept since they were smart people who thought that the majority of people could make smart decisions. Everything we 'hate' about government for being slow is there for a reason.

That is why FDR's New Deal failed, FEMA was slow in Katrina, and that this $700 billion bailout isn't going to work. (Just to note: Your tax dollars for bailing out the economic crisis already surpassed $700 billion before the bailout occurred)

My final point against the American voter is this: the ability to vote. Being 18 or any and being able to vote doesn't signify the intelligence to vote. Gut-voting is a sham and so is being persuaded to vote this 'certain way' because your friend said so. That's not true voting.

I'm not saying that voting is bad... I think uninformed voters shouldn't be allowed to votes since they are clueless. That's all.

There are other reasons, but due to that, that is probably the primary reason direct general elections do not exist today. And I can argue all day why a Electoral College exists for America's good.

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