The retail industry is the only industry that I've known and worked for in my 22 years of existence. Sure, I've shadowed and seen other industries, but never the first hand experience. Those that know me, I've experienced the "big box" retail operations versus smaller retailers and there are differences in terms of customer service focus, scope, and communication. At the end of the day though, we're just serving customers.
By working in this industry, it seems like watching "Jingle All the Way" with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sinbad as the main character fighting for the "must have" toy of the Christmas season, the Turbo Man doll. It's much like the Tickle Me Elmo's and other popular toys that have been listed as "must haves" each year. Although this year, the commercialism has taken, in my opinion, turns for the worst. It's really playing to the selfish side of people. Every time I walk into McDonald's I see "Enjoy Season's Craving" with a McFlurry. You really can't forget the Rebecca Black commercial for Kohl's for Black Friday or the rounds of news reports of violence for that weekend; however, I want to address what every retail worker sees every Christmas season: the stupid, the idiot, and the grumpy customers. I know for the most part, I never lash out at strangers, but inside my head, this is what is happening.
The Stupid -
Many retail workers will understand my rant against customers whom act stupid. Most of us has at some point before working in retail acted as stupid is a store, but when working, we see a lot of stupid acts. I think the biggest peeve in this department is parents acting stupid and not controlling children to wreck havoc in say the toy section. We appreciate to instill self-discipline in your children or leave them with a babysitter instead of having them run around, crying uncontrollably or wrecking merchandise.
Unfortunately this isn't the only thing. Being stupid includes having "large gatherings" (looking at you Asians out there) and blocking the way while obvious things like say a cart or pallet jack is trying to pass by. When we ask you move, please move. Don't act like we've invaded your personal space or stare at us thinking, "Oh my gosh, people working... who knew! Let's watch." Don't be stupid about this, moving ensures everyone's safety. Most of the time, we ask nicely until the requests isn't fulfilled immediately.
The next one goes to bargain-hunters. I know I've seen this too much, although some days are worse than others. "Is this item an additional off?" or "Sale?" All well-meaning questions but only in stores that don't really mark their sales well, like in big-box stores and some outlet stores. I know you want cheap stuff, but it's made cheap. A lot of the times, you get what you paid for, and that holds true for many things today. Like I say to customers, "Sometimes, to get what you truly need, you need to pay up for quality over price. Many good things simply do not come cheap and have quality at the same time."
The Idiots -
Idiot customers are sorta like stupid ones, but bargain-hunters can also be categorized here as well. However, most of them are of the stubborn sort or "I am king, treat me as such when in store", both need to be brought back to earth.
They are first off, mighty persistent about things such as, "Do you have thing item in such and such size, I know you have them last week." Yeah, last week before it all sold out chum. I do not control the universe or our purchasing of clothing, so stop be a douche. Or the people that consider themselves "experts" and want help, you asked, but say, "Oh this brand sucks, and this one is better." At the end of the day, you are buying a name... A NAME. There is nothing special about a name, that is the last thing to think of. Most places utilize the same technology and slap a different name on it, although there are different unique technologies depending on the company. The way I think is, "What's the price? It is worth it? What is comparable from another company and it's price? What's the quality of construction? Customer reviews, good, bad?" Name? Why care? I realize that name is important; however, always shop around. When approaching them, I felt like I lost 10 minutes of maybe talking to somebody else that would listen instead of rebuke me.
Every year, it seems all of humanity (at least in the US) stoops to the lower common denominator of idiocy. "Oh hey, it's Christmas, let's act like a jerk." Don't come to me with "Oh, I have this toy that I need for my son, it's
"But... I NEED IT NOW!!!"
"Wait." Then I ignore them until I've dealt with the others, hopefully they got impatient and left.
I hate to be stereotypical, but I see this particular thing from African Americans and Latinos to mutter under my breath as "uppity idiocy". I fear when this particular thing may happen and this group acts like the own everything and sass everyone. They demand undivided attention and snap back viciously when you don't deliver. (I know, this is a generalization, but seen it mostly from this group of folks). Oh I don't have that movie that's been on promotion for the last two weeks and you decide to show up, oh pity. I've seen this happen when being asked, "So do you carry this item?"
"Well, Wal-mart does, so you guys should have it too."
"But we're not Wal-mart are we? This is Target, we carry different things." (Deal with it).
The Grumpy -
This one customer is a killjoy, just to exist to suck the whatever joy you may have had earlier and then it got leveled by this one customer. This customer is a rare occurrence outside of the holiday season; however, that is rooted in frantic shopping gone bad. These are people who simply are selfish bastards that need their demands met without remorse to whomever they are dealing with.
I tend to deflect this sort of customer into a close box of lies, or when they are acting at full douchiness, just simply treat them the way they treated me. Grumpy pants customer do not deserve my attention, they deserve, "Get out!" attention. I will gladly help the idiots and the stupid well before the ones that are pissed off. I know with grumpy men, they will grunt a lot and usually older men. With women, it's more subtle, but I can tell. Just because you're grumpy, doesn't mean to spread your woes on everyone else.
Be the Kind Customer -
Look, sometimes being stupid and an idiot happens, but grumpy, no excuse. I know it's a busy time of the year and hundreds of stores at one's choosing makes people confused and look clumsy. But grumpy people, you like the Grinch in reality. We don't want you, nobody does.
The commercialism of Christmas is a very disturbing trend here in America, there is nothing wrong about giving presents and such, but the problem is the methods or things being done to get the presents. I've reflected back on this subject many times in my head and I think being with family and friends is the most important part of the holidays. We've lost that in recent years as we think of giving as a chore instead of a joy to do.
Please, people who shop, for us retail people, but kind and thoughtful while shopping. Be above the chaos. Have the mentality of giving because you want to give; not the thoughts of "Oh man, another Christmas is coming, gotta get a gift for Aunt Sally... again, grrr." Giving is not a chore, it's serious business of giving something from the heart in a physical manner. At least have the balls to be real with yourself to be a complete jerk to person you don't want to give to, don't give if your heart isn't in it. If you have do, you're probably sucking up big time With that note...
Merry Christmas everyone!
- Roger