Saturday, March 30, 2013

Humanity's Thought Process is Primitive

You know what word I greatly dislike due to it's abuse, 'progressive'.  The thought or mindset of 'being progressive' is a sham to me, it's like the greatest logic trap made by mankind.  I enter this trap a lot and so do a lot of other people from day to day.

People would reply to my mocking of progressivism as "Why Roger, humanity has benefited from progressive thought."  I would reply that yes, a great deal of advancement in humanity has been done by progressive thinkers, but think about the context of thought.  A lot of humanity's advancement comes from the worst side of humanity in the realm of war and destruction.

I'm a skeptic of humanity's progression.  We're so prone to greed, envy, power, etc. that some generous byproduct is that sometimes benefit to humanity in the long run.  We're really not a very progressive species when it comes to serious barriers on race, sex, religion, law, politics, nationalities.  Think about the global state of progressivism, it's really sad really.

In reality, we fool ourselves by our 'technological, economic, and medical advancement', patting our back saying, "We're doing good."  No, that's tomfoolery that begets that smug feeling of self-satisfaction.  We're so focused on the our own troubles to really lose focus that humanity's crawl to 'self-improvement' is really silly.  I mean, in the 100+ years since the American Civil War, race is really still an issue.  Our moment of self-smugness was with the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

People of different races seem to need that "Woe is me" attitude that inhibits the improvement from the past with silly things like 'Black History Month' or 'Women's History Month'.  Burying the hatchet on such issues requires both sides to stop the "I'm different, and you hurt my feelings, so I need this to feel better, so know about now."

No offense to blacks or women, it's just some very obvious examples in society today.   I know the injustices, but I don't need everyone to read about Thai history to respect my differences.  All I ask for is that unspoken code of respect from one fellow man to another.  I really feel that's a 'tit-for-tat' tactic to 'understand me' that doesn't really need to be used.

Nearly everyone craves to have a decent life with enough material wealth to enjoy it, although there are some serious exceptions to that generalization, but for the most part, most of humanity can be entered into that thought school.

A typical vice of American politics is the avoidance of saying anything real on real issues.
- Theodore Roosevelt  

Over 100 years ago, that man made that statement.  It's not just American politics, but one can say about politics in general.  What has changed here?  Nothing really, except we have more possibility to be misinformed than ever before.  The last decade has really shown progressive thought in politics is a great farce.  We're entering full-blown class warfare on the rich and on the bastions of capitalism.

Talking about capitalism, people always talk about socialism vs capitalism and what is better.  I usually reply that neither is that great really, since the flaws in the system is rooted by the inherent nature of humanity's flaws to envy thy neighbor and be greedy.  People can't realize that any system cannot defeat the very basic constructs of humanity's flaws, but we sure try to inhibit the worst offenders.

In conclusion, I'm stating that 'progressivism' in society should be taken with serious grains of salt and people need to heed the right perspective when trying to improve the well-being of humanity.  Hopefully, somebody could stop the seemingly inherent nature of self-destruction in societies.

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