I was talking to a person that developed his life in politics working as an aide in this state and we talked politics. We dabbled on for hours about Bush, Obama, foreign policy, defense budgets and such.
Yet the one thing we both agreed upon was the overblown reactions from Republicans, especially from "evangelical Christians" over President Obama. However, I'll say plainly, that I don't like Obama, but the level of... to put it bluntly, fear-mongering is disturbing. I know I've done my share of jabbing back in October, but this is now and we have to live with what we got. Unfortunately, for many in my system of beliefs, they would disagree with me and say biblical quotes that support Obama is the anti-Christ at the most extreme spectrum to "like Israel didn't like it's king, we don't support Obama" and etc.
Honestly, I don't know what makes George W. Bush a good president... maybe because he was so embroiled in Iraq and Afghanistan, he nearly forgot about domestic problems? In a later blog, I'll discuss my views on Bush's legacy in a deeper degree. In a short statement about Bush, Iraq was a bad, ill-planned war with no long-term implications... while Afghanistan was in the right direction that was all but forgotten until Bush nearly left office. Bush, in my honest opinion, should have been impeached or Congress should have strongly considered it for his administrations actions with the Patriot Act, questionable Justice Department wiretapping and other things to domestic "anti-terrorism" measures that could be breaking constitutional law. However, that is for another blog.
We conversed on dabbling about Obama's appointments were very shrew, with him quietly silencing Hillary Clinton in a non-criticizing post of Secretary of State (looks good on her resume and it's a post where you can't criticize the president much), keeping moderate SecDef Robert Gates, Vice President Biden for his foreign affairs expertise where Obama lacks strength in, and kept Ben Bernake as Chairman of the Federal Reserve.
Conversing further, we both agreed on that Obama's foreign agenda was pretty solid with plenty of foreign affair expertise handling the world while Obama focuses on the raging debate on health care and other domestic issues. What conservatives seem to underestimate that some folks seem frayed under pressure, but can thrive on pressure. He 'can' get his party bandwagoned together in Kennedy's death, but it will take time.
We dabbled on McCain's failed campaign and Sarah Palin. McCain is a good Senator, but noticeably old. He was an obvious person to go to the White House after being snuffed by Bush in 2000 election. However, I do the remember the day he picked Mrs. Palin as his running mate and my thoughts were, "What the hell, who in their right mind would pick someone from Alaska, a place which has no political stake in the electoral college?" As an observer of politics, her interactions with the media was alway "sub-par", it made me cringe harder because of painfully easy questions that she horribly deflected answers off to. I know, I know... it's how bad politics has sunk and how cutthroat the media is. Yet, I listened to the Katie Couric interviews and Vice Presidential debates and as a conservative, I was not amused by the McCain-Palin ticket. Sarah Palin, in her own right, is good for Alaska, but not for as McCain's running mate.
Why I facepalm
Me and my friend covered a huge spectrum of politcs, some of which we approved of, and some of which we disagreed on, but one thing for me is that Obama was what I thought America was going... and what I heard in my time chatting in IRC (internet relay chat), "America is only a decade or so behind Europe."
First topic... more to come.
~ Tanis
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